SalesLoft is a leading online platform in sales engagement. The platform enables a sales team in a company to achieve a great deal of sales organization. It is positively reviewed for its effective email tracking features. It is a platform that enhances a business’s engagement with its leads and targets. All the tools are able to centralize lead activities as well as engagements.
Communication is a key aspect of driving sales. SalesLoft enables a business to create workflows that facilitate the creation of sales email templates by a sales team member who then shares the template with the rest of the team. It is possible to track emails sent to see if they were opened and know the responses they received. A group of emails on the platform can be personalized to tailor messages using dynamic tags.
To accelerate the performance of sales development, SalesLoft incorporates data tools such as analytics and reporting which give actionable indicators in real time. With these actionable insights that hold information on response and conversion rates, a user will know when to send an email or make a call that will be most likely to drive sales.
SalesLoft Benefits
Personalized communication
SalesLoft communicates with leads, new and existing customers at a more personal level to ensure easy on-boarding and retention.
Sales Engagement Cloud
The cloud is an ecosystem that provides openness and flexibility when integrating with workflow and your data provider.
Data analytics
A good decision is made when there is enough information. SalesLoft provides actionable insights to help a business optimize performance.
SalesLoft Features
Email marketing
- Send emails in Salesforce
- Accurate email activity count
- Open rates
- Link activity
- Account tiering
- A/B Testing
- Attachment activity
- Email platform integration
- Email scheduling
- Email categorization
- Integrated Workflows
- Task management
- CRM integration
Marketing automation
- Cadence scheduling
- Industrial grade reply detection
- Engagement triggers
- Open, Click and Reply tracking
- Automated emails
Other features
- Record calls
- Generate location
- Call types
- Click-to-call
- Review
- Scorecard
- Coaching card
- Leaderboard
- Real-time updates
- Competition
- Daily summary
- Automated voice calls
- Sort prospects
- Personalization
- Information locater
- Record prospect data
SalesLoft Pricing
Three plans are provided. Their pricing is on a quote basis depending on the individual needs of a business.Group
- Cadence scheduling
- Sales email engine
- Integrated dialer
- Data partner integrations
- Advanced analytics
- Salesforce integration
- Automatic time zone detection
- Custom fields
- Data partner integration
- Sigstr integration
- Advanced analytics
- Voicemail drop
- Salesforce field mappings
- All professional features
- Group level permissions
- CrystalKnows integration
- Owler integration
- LocalDial
SalesLoft's Alternative
by Intercom
Intercom is a support platform for customers. It has a suite that caters for the needs of all the important segments of a business which include product marketing Learn more about Intercom