Optmyzr is an ultimate tool to save time for PPC professionals with an interest in handling Adwords and Bing Ads from an easy to use and friendly platform. The well-known optimization of the software suggest ideas on ways of improving the quality of accounts by either eliminating or adding keywords, adjusting placement, changing bids on display networks, and similar operations that make campaigns more profitable and lucrative.
How does Optmzr function? It sum u[ raw Bing Ads and Adwords info into comprehensive visualization for the account managers to follow trends and highlights and guide strategies of optimization. Vigorous automation is enabled with AdWords scripts, meaning that graphical UI is great for non-programmers that have not updated the AdWords script code.
To sum up, there exist advanced report builders for you to design accurate and beautiful reports or even personalize the dashboard shared with stakeholders and clients.
Benefits of Optmyzr
It focuses on cross-platform campaigns
Many PPC management tools focus exclusively on cross-platform campaigns but are such that they automate optimization just the way Optimizer does. It converts jobs of manual account management into reports and visualization that save time, and allow account managers to concentrate on tactical initiatives in the place of administrative tasks. It offers functionalities of PPC for advertisers and agencies to skip wasting time on tedious and repetitive jobs.
This tool is good for experts and beginners
Tools of Optmyzr bear the design for both PPC experts and beginners. With a minimal input by the site, it will help automate optimization and manage the listing of the adverts in a more effective way that you would do it on your own. Additionally, it makes sure that PPC notifications and reports and alerts for Google Analytics, AdWords, and Bing Ads.
It turns into one-click optimization and improve performance
Optmyzr, basically, turn into reality one-click optimization concept, allowing you to improve the performance of PPC accounts like the initial point of the methodology. PPC reporting keeps track of PPC account performance, and ensures that you get prompt notification while the account requires more attention. Enhanced script of AdWords makes sure that automation takes place without even one line of code.
Optmyzr Features
- Optimization dashboard
- Optimization history
- Hour of week analysis
- Search terms and word cloud
- Geo heatmap
- Custom AdWords report designer
- A/B testing
- One-click optimization
- AdWords quality score tracker
- Google Analytics reporting
- Ding Ads optimizations
- Shopping campaign splitter
- Shopping campaign bidder
- Performance comparison
- Landing page analysis
Optmyzr Pricing
Optmyzr has four plans of payment and they include the quote-based enterprise for large corporations and businesses. You will also have access to a free trial.Lite
This plan costs USD 116 per month. It offers the following features.- Ten accounts linked to optimize
- Supports email
- One group training session
- Bing tools
- Quality score tracker
- Report designer
- Data insight tools
- Ten schedules reports
- One user
- You spend up to USD 100, 000 per month
This plan costs USD 224 per month and provides the following features.- One click optimizations
- Five users
- You can spend up to USD 500,000 per month
- Up to fifty accounts are linked
- Supports email
- One personal training session
- Google analytics reporting
- Shopping campaign tools
- AdWords scripts
- Bing tools
- Quality score tracker
- Report designer
- Data insight tools
- Fifty scheduled reports
This plan has a cost-benefit for USD 449 per month. It offers the following features.- Advanced reporting features
- Google analytics reporting
- Shopping campaign tools
- AdWord Scripts
- Bing tools
- Quality score tracker
- Report designer
- Data insight tools
- One click optimizations
- One hundred accounts
- Pro dashboard
- Email support
- Two personal training sessions
- Custom domain for generic reporting
- Bid rule engine (BETA)
- Unlimited scheduled reports
- Ten users
- You can spend up to USD 1 million
This package does not have a fixed cost because you get it according to your quote- Custom domain reporting
- User access levels
- Bid rule engine
- Pro dashboard
- Advanced reporting features
- Google analytics reporting
- Shopping campaign tools
- AdWords Scripts
- Bing tools
- Quality score tracker
- Report designer
- Data insight tools
- One click optimizations
- Customized numbers of users
- Unlimited scheduled reports
- Custom spending per month
- Customized number of linked accounts
- Account manager is available to support you
- Customized training sessions