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Followerwonk is a Twitter analytics software that enables the user to collect and analyze the information of Twitter users, establish trends in the said social network tool, and increase their reach to broaden their audience, expand the follower base and then forward business goals. This analytic platform assists enterprises to discover potential and existing followers, identify them through categories (who they follow, sentiments, location, etc.), comparing Twitter accounts and many more.

Businesses that use Followerwonk can identify and engage with brand influencers in their particular niches, contrast relations with competing brands and friends, and optimize brand campaigns in an effective manner t matching activities that attract and engage their followers.  This App also makes it easy for users to visualize their personal data and share reports with just a few button clicks.

Followerwonk Benefits

Gets You Deep into Twitter Data: Followerwonk is a very powerful tool that will help your business to go deep into its Twitter data and also discover high-quality insights that can assist in driving the business forward. This tool is highly useful especially when it comes to allowing users to soft their Twitter followers b the region and identify all the potential influencers of the brand, widen the reach and also improve follower engagements. The tool also offers a highly detailed breakdown of your Twitter followers through the social authority and helps them to identify handles that are worth contacting and also interacting with.

Great Basic Features: The basic features of Followerwonk allow users to collect and search information on any profile data (URL, name, location, bio) comparing and contrasting two or three users to discover new or overlapping audiences, and taking a view of interactive charts of new followers together with several unfollows. With all the data that you will get from Followerwonk, you will fully optimize your campaign with a lot of ease, create activities that are more engaging and reel in new fans while still retaining the current ones.

Use of Keywords in Twitter: This is one of the top features that Followerwonk provides. Thereafter, you can compare and contrast the keywords against several metrics such as age, following, followers, and influence among others. This allows you to search for influential Twitter users from social media gurus to bloggers to ordinary individuals who have huge followings, fast, and quick. From here, you will be able to dig into your statistics, analytics, and your following and check whether they are applicable in your case or not. Users can also follow you on Twitter without exiting from your accounts and opening a new Twitter page.

Followerwonk Features

  • Easily unfollow or follow App
  • See what Tweets engage
  • Know when your followers are active
  • Maximize times to tweet
  • View flower gains and losses
  • Compare follows and followers
  • See followers and their locations
  • View your social authority rankings

Followerwonk Pricing

Followerwonk has four main pricing plans that comprise of a free for small enterprises and startups. Here is a review of each of these plans;

Connect – Free

  • Know when your followers are active
  • See followers and their locations
  • View social authority rankings
  • One profile

Target- 29 dollars per Month or Save 20 percent with annual billing

  • Easily follow or unfollow in the App
  • See what the Tweets engage
  • Maximize tweeting time
  • View follower gains and losses
  • Compare followers/follows
  • Three profiles
  • All connect features

Multitask- 59 dollars per month or save 20 percent by annual billing

  • Wide access
  • 20 profiles
  • All target features
Custom Plan- Enterprise pricing

Followerwonk's Alternative

Sprout Social

by Sprout Social

This SaaS App promotes communication between people and businesses. Sprout social also streamlines communication between an enterprise and its enthusiasts, prospects, and customers. Learn more about Sprout Social